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Stuffed Peppers

  • Preparation Time
    60 Mins
  • Serving Size
    4 People
  • View Time


8 red peppers

1 pound (450 gr) beef/pork mincemeat combo

½ cup (120 gr) rice

1 big sliced carrot

2 chopped onions

1 egg

1 tablespoon chopped parsley salt or Vegeta (local mixed spice available around the globe)

1 potato or tomato to close paprika

1 cup (240 ml) of tomato paste or tomato juice

10 tablespoons of oil

2 tablespoon plain flour

1 tablespoon of ground red paprika (hot if wanted)

Fry finely chopped onions and sliced carrots on 5 tablespoons of oil. After a few minutes, add mincemeat. Add salt, Vegeta to taste and continue to fry for another 5 minutes, pressing the meat with your spoon to make the pieces smaller.

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