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Oatmeal with honey roasted plums

  • Preparation Time
    23 Mins
  • Serving Size
    4 People
  • View Time

Ingredients (for three servings)

2 cups rolled oats

4 halved and pitted plums

2 tablespoons honey

½ cup chopped roasted pistachios

¼ teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 375F and line a baking sheet with parchment. Place plums face-up up on baking sheet and drizzle with honey. Bake plums no more than 20 minutes, until tender and caramelized. While plums are roasting, cook oatmeal according to package directions. Portion oatmeal into bowls and top with roasted plums.  Top with pistachios, and an extra drizzle of honey.

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